What's in our backpack? - Our Top 10 Gear Essentials
Having the right gear can make all the difference! Whether you’re navigating rugged trails, perfecting your aim at the shooting range, or enjoying a chill outing with loved ones, it can be challenging to decide what’s truly essential.
So we put together a list of our top 10 gear essentials that we never leave home without when heading out for any adventure, big or small. These are our must-have items that we always pack to help keep us safe and prepared for whatever the day throws our way.
1. Camera
If you don't have photo proof, did it even happen? We make sure batteries are charged and SD cards are empty. Ever been that guy that sees a Northern Harrier gliding across a field, but the camera was left at home? Doh!
2. Nutrition
We love PROBARS. We've been relying on them to stay fed and energized for years. From cross-country road trips, to 10 mile mountain hikes, PROBARS have came in clutch for us. They're a healthy and portable way to get good calories that last, no matter where you are. When we don't have Probars on hand, our favorite backups lately are Nature Valley's Dark Chocolate Cherry and Cashew bars.
3. Sunblock
This is more important for some skin tones than others but everyone should be using it. Skin cancer is no joke! You can still get that summer tan with some SPF protection.
4. A Sun Hat
To keep you shaded when you're out in the open in the blazing sun. You'll be thankful for a little reprieve. Some hats have a drape that protects the back of the neck. Your scalp can get sunburn too, never mind how painful that is, it's also totally not sexy when you start peeling and flaking.
5. Long Sleeve Sun Shirt
Having a barrier between your skin and the sun makes a BIG difference. Make sure it is made of UV protecting material, not just any shirt will do. It helps keep you cool and protects you from sunburn. Who likes to cut the fun short because they're burning to a crisp and overheating? No fun.
6. Water
Whether in a bottle or a camel back, be sure to bring plenty of water wherever you go. You can survive without food. Without water, you won't last long.
Afterthought: Electrolytes help a lot too! Especially if you're exerting yourself and sweating throughout the day. Without electrolytes, if we are just drinking water, eventually we are effectively flushing our the electrolytes that we need to be replenishing. Food for thought.
7. Navigation/SOS System
Phone service is pretty good these days. Usually a cell phone is all you'll need. But if you are really out in the sticks, with no phone service, how do you call for help in the event of an emergency? We have a Garmin Montana 700i, just in case.
8. Flashlight/Headlamp
Even if you don't plan on being out in the dark, life happens and sometimes you're stuck in a situation you don't plan on being in. Hopefully you're prepared for it. This could be helpful if you break down on the side of the road, or even if the power goes out somewhere. Let alone getting caught in the forest after nightfall.
9. A good pocket knife/multi-tool
Personally, we believe this should be an everyday carry item. A pocket knife is an essential every day tool. You never know if there will be an emergency or even just something in your way. Always a good idea to have some sort of cutting utensil on you at all times.
Featured: 5.11 Base 3DP Framelock and Winchester Winframe Multi-Tool
10. First Aid Kit
At minimum, you should have bandages, gauze, aspirin (most notably in case of a heart attack), and a tourniquet. (Most cases of death from bleeding out are preventable.) Our safety kit even has moleskin for times when your feet are getting rubbed raw from the hiking boots. That's a quick way to bum you out of a good time!
Featured: Adventure Medical First Aid Kit 2.0
11. Protection
We NEVER leave home without it. You'll need to check your local laws to find out where and how you can and can't carry. Predators come in all shapes/sizes/species. It's the only thing you hope you never have to use. But in the event that you do, you'll be thankful you had it.